Frequently Asked Questions

Is York Christian a club?

No, York Christian is not a club but rather an association of Christian clubs. We do not host university events but we help already existing clubs collaborate and orchestrate events and facilitate discussion and collaboration among the leadership.

The Founder, Danny Small is looking to register YorkChristian as a Charity in Canada for purposes of longevity and financial stability. He will need to establish a founding constitution and fill board seats to register.

What is the York Christian Council?

In concept, the YCC is a discussion between organizations in York Region that connect different adults to collaborate as the Church.

In reality, the YCC is made up of different York University clubs, which meet in person, and online on Google Meets and WhatsApp groups.

Where is YC located?

YC doesn’t currently have a working space for internal affairs. Nevertheless, York Christian is committed to working in the region of North York Ontario, especially working with organizations close to York University (Keele Campus) as our founder Danny works on Jane and Steeles and both Co-founder Josh, and Danny attend York University.


What is the York Christian Board?

In concept, the YCB oversees the moving parts of everything York Christian does, while keeping the YCC running smoothly with collective funding.

In reality, the YCB is what the founders call themselves until they can find official people to take positions and manage the YCC.

What is our theological founding principle?

In concept, the YC is united by some notion that we follow Christ and believe in the Gospel. What does this mean if you join a YC-orchestrated event or send a council representative? What should you expect? Great question.

In reality, we are all flawed human beings. Thankfully, Christ died for our imperfections. He died for the sin that separates us and the sin that weakens us. As of now, we’re trying to let God work out our differences with his providence, that being said, almost all Christians at York University believe in the Gospel and the scriptures’ authority. Check out more theology at